Nobody wants an American flag on his website these days. In Transposh, an elegant translation plugin, the Stars & Stripes flag is the default for English (as if they even know how to speak proper English over there 🙂 ).
There is an instruction that say you just need to change a contants.php. That didn’t work for me. Last time it did, but not now(?) I tried with the CSS and non-CSS widgets.
In the languages array in the constants.php file change the two letter ISO code used for that flag
For example, to change the flag for the English language from the stars and stripes to the Union jack find the following line
'en' => 'English,English,us,en_US',
And change it to:'en' => 'English,English,gb,en_US',
Note that this works out of the box only in the non css version of the widget, to make this work in the css version you will have to modify the image used.
So I hunted the folders down to “modify the image used”. The complete file path is:
See below the image with all the flags, where I overwrote the Stars and Stripes by the Union Jack. (I know that any European could question if that’s really an improvement… and rightly so). FTP this modified “EN-GB” file and replace the existing flags92.png with it.

In case you need the Union Jack as a separate file or need to overwrite another flag (because you need EN-US as well as EN-GB): here’s the Union Jack (EN-GB) and, just as backup, the original flags92.png (don’t forget to rename it to flags92.png):