After a frustrating hour of chatting with the Netflix helpdesk, it was clear that the lady couldn’t give any more information than the first result in Google:

Netflix meldt ‘Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens de communicatie met Netflix. (T1-H1-W80072EFD)
Netflix says: ‘Sorry, there was a problem communicating with Netflix. (T1-H1-W80072EFD)

Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens de communicatie met Netflix. Probeer het opnieuw
(T1-H1-W80072EFD) – Sorry, there was a problem communicating with Netflix. Plesse try again (T1-H1-W80072EFD)

(T1-H1-W80072EFD) Dit geeft aan dat in onze systemen is gedetecteerd dat je verbinding maakt via een VPN, proxy of een deblokkeringsservice. Omdat onze contentbibliotheek per regio kan verschillen en deze services je regio verbergen, kun je mogelijk bepaalde series en films niet kijken als je op deze manier verbinding maakt.
(T1-H1-W80072EFD) It indicates that our systems have detected that you are connecting via a VPN, proxy, or “unblocker” service. Because our content library can vary by region and these services hide your region, you may not be able to stream some movies and TV shows when connected in this way.

The problem occurred when opening the Windows 10 app, not when I tried to view content from another region. I wasn’t on VPN, proxy or “deblocker”.

So, what to do? Watching Netflix in the browser was no problem. Which meant I had to figure out what was ging on with the app.

The helpdesk told me to go figure it out with my Internet Provider because there was something wrong with my IP address. (of course after I removed and re-installed the app).

However, the Netflix app worked fine on other devices in the same home network. The Netflix hepldesk-rep wasn’t sensitive to that argument – I guess she couldn’t find anything about it on Google so quickly.

Long story short

Before contacting Netflix or your ISP, check the following.

Go to your Wi-Fi settings, click on the network you are connected to:

Set your Network Profile to “Public”.

After switching from Private to Public, the Netflix app worked fine again. There is clearly something wrong with Netflix. So you wouldn’t be able to watch Netflix on a network you trust, such as your home network…?

The Firewall could also get in the way, which was not the case with me. To check this out, verify that “Netflix” is checked in Firewall settings.

This simple tip didn’t pop-up in Google and the helpdesk as no clue. Hopefully it will help someone.

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