Divi mobile menu breakpoints for tablet

Sometimes the logo overlaps the menu items. The simplest way to avoid is, is setting a max-width for the logo. This is another CSS approach: display the hamburger and the hide main navigation at a custom width. I needed 1170px; set your own width. /* HIDE DEFAULT MENU...

Custom field in Divi Blog module

I had some trouble with my Child Theme after the Divi 4.10 update. It was no longer outputting a Custom Field in the Blog Module. I finally got it working again. I share the files here. If you create a Custom Field named ‘event_date’, this Child Theme will...

Display some random users

function wpb_random_users() { global $wpdb; $randomusers = ‘<div class=”grid-container”>’; // Query database for users $usernames = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT display_name, user_url, user_email, ID FROM $wpdb->users ORDER BY RAND()...

Responsive text scaling CSS formula

Dennis Sinacola wrote this in a comment on FB: vw scales too fast as a straight unit. You can use the css calc() function to make it much more useful. For example I use this formula for responsive text: font-size: calc(16px + (24 – 16) * (100vw – 400px) /...
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